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What a lovely evening we had at Phare circus this week. The food was great and the performance was amazing..... as always.
Thank you Phare, The Cambodian Circus - Siem Reap
A very useful Sunday morning at Sunshine school. Teaching these volunteer teachers to learn through play.
It's finished! What an amazing assignment it was to write and implement an afterschool lesson program for primary school kids in Mondulkiri. In the coming 2 years they will learn all about the world around them, especially nature and wildlife, ways to protect it including ways and knowledge from their own heritage (Bunong culture).
Proud to have played a very tiny part in developing this one but we could not imaging it would turn out this nice.
For us, every day is Recycling Day.
Update Decemberactie 2023: De laatste baby-slaap-vriendjes zijn inmiddels aan hun wereldreis begonnen (van Cambodja, via Nederland, naar Ethiopie) en inmiddels is de eerste lading in Ethiopie verspreid. Een actie met heel veel blije gezichten en gezichtjes als resultaat.
De "bijvangst" van de eindejaarsactie van afgelopen jaar was, dat er ook een aantal vrienden van die leuke baby-slaap-vriendjes hebben besteld zodat ze altijd een leuk, origineel en verantwoord baby cadeautje in huis hadden.
Dat verzoek is geevolueerd in een leuk zakje (natuurlijk van restmateriaal) met daarin 5 verschillende Dai Tauch (wat betekent kleine handjes).
We kunnen geen grote hoeveelheden aan en ook geen beloftes doen over snelle levering (binnen 9 maanden lukt wel altijd;)) want ze komen met vrienden mee naar Nederland, maar natuurlijk maak je ons blij als je zo'n zakje besteld.
Panha Sabay is a proud member of Be Eco in Phnom Penh.
Looking back on 2023: It was a good year. Slowly we left the misery of Covid behind us. We created a big number of pretty nice products: Lok Lak (the biggest cube so far), Rueng (a story telling game), Sambok (a nest of boxes), Boh Thong (toss bags), Bay Leng Bunny (the sock doll designed for the year of the rabbit) and my personal favorite: Dai Tauch (babies sleeping buddy). We also focused more and more on trainings and improvement projects. We did some very interesting projects at NGO’s in international and public schools, some of them are still ongoing. There were also very nice developments in our staff. Chhoun and Neen both gave birth to the cutest baby girls ever, Chorn successfully finished his IT study and found a good job and SamOun started working for Panha Sabay in June. We had 2 amazing volunteers. Bunsieng helped us for